May Adventures...
When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all
together in one place. 2 And suddenly from heaven
there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire
house where they were sitting. 3 Divided tongues,
as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 4 All
of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages,
as the Spirit gave them ability. – Acts 2: 1-4, NRSV
an amazing journey we had together during the season of Lent and an amazing
journey that we are currently on in Easter.
Easter did not disappoint as we had beautiful weather, a glorious
morning or worship, saw the choir wear their new robes for the first time, and
welcomed many people to worship from other churches, and some for the first
time in addition to our church family.
And Spring is not disappointing us with the brilliant colors appearing
as I write this month’s Adventures. While the days after Easter may not have the
same fanfare, attendance, or fashion statements, it’s STILL Easter here in the
church, as the Easter season lasts for 50 days and is when Jesus appears to the
disciples after his resurrection from the dead, then ascends to Heaven to seat
at God’s right-hand. On Pentecost, May
20 this year, the Holy Spirit blows through the gathered community of believers
who gather in Jesus’s name and empowers them to go into the world to continue
the work of Jesus, and that means we are to continue doing the same too.
we are talking about the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is at work here in Quincy
and at Community UMC!! It’s an awesome
feeling to wake up on Sunday morning and to be excited about coming to
worship. Although there’s also plenty to
do during the week and it is nice to wake up each day excited to see what is in
store at the office or in the community.
I sense the Holy Spirit when I bring Holy Communion to our members who
can’t always be here on Sunday, in the ministries of our church, whenever I’m
out in the community, and even while in my office studying. Our church is ALIVE right now and that is the
Holy Spirit at work!! And I look forward
to seeing where the Holy Spirit leads us, especially as we begin slowing things
down later this month before we get into the more relaxed and laid-back pace of
the month of May, we’ll be talking a lot about the work of the Holy Spirit in
our second post-Easter miniseries, “By the Power of the Holy Spirit.” Each
Sunday, we will talk about the following:
6: “We Join the Outsiders/The Outsiders Join Us” – Acts 8: 26-40, Acts 10:
13: “Leaders are Raised Up” – Acts 1: 15-17, 21-26
20 (Pentecost): “Proclaim Jubilee!” and Music Sunday – Acts 2: 1-21
May 27, one of my best friends from seminary, Pastor Justin Martin will be
visiting us and deliver the message on Trinity Sunday. Justin is a staff chaplain at St. Anthony’s
Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri and we served together on the Tuesday
Chapel committee at Wesley Theological Seminary. He’ll be visiting Quincy and Sacramento
before heading back June 2. He’s excited
to be visiting us and I’m excited to have him here.
I am excited to let you know that after meeting with the Great Northern
District Committee on Ordained Ministry in March, I was approved for
commissioning as a provisional elder in the UMC. This is the next step in the ordination
process and will be starting what’s called “Residence in Ministry” this Fall,
which is similar to medical residency in which I’ll use that time to prepare for
ordination as elder in full connection, which I hope will be in 2020. Thank you all for your prayers of support and
for being with me on this journey!! I
also would like to say thank you to everyone in this congregation for the
condolences and prayers after my cousin CJ’s passing. My aunt Linda still needs our prayers as she
grieves, along with CJ’s young-adult children Holly and River.
& Blessings,
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