"Healing Hands: Draw Crowds & Feed the World" - Sermon, July 22, 2018
Community UMC, Quincy “Healing Hands: Draw Crowds & Feed the World” Rev. Andrew Davis July 22, 2018 Mark 6: 53-56 John 6: 1-15 If we were to play one of those little ’25 things you don’t know about me’ games like channel 3 in Sacramento does with their news personalities on their website, I think you would be surprised to learn that as outgoing as I am, I really do not like crowds that much!! How many of you share the same sentiment? Now don’t get me wrong, I love being in the presence of my church family and I love seeing the church full on Sundays, but I don’t like crowds where I cannot move or where I feel boxed in or where the crowds become a mob scene (since I’m somewhat claustrophobic, another surprising fact). During my first semester at Wesley, all first year student classes were at our downtown campus, meaning we had to take the METRO and METRO would get crowded during ru...