
Showing posts from July, 2018

"Healing Hands: Draw Crowds & Feed the World" - Sermon, July 22, 2018

Community UMC, Quincy “Healing Hands: Draw Crowds & Feed the World” Rev. Andrew Davis July 22, 2018 Mark 6: 53-56 John 6: 1-15             If we were to play one of those little ’25 things you don’t know about me’ games like channel 3 in Sacramento does with their news personalities on their website, I think you would be surprised to learn that as outgoing as I am, I really do not like crowds that much!!   How many of you share the same sentiment?   Now don’t get me wrong, I love being in the presence of my church family and I love seeing the church full on Sundays, but I don’t like crowds where I cannot move or where I feel boxed in or where the crowds become a mob scene (since I’m somewhat claustrophobic, another surprising fact).   During my first semester at Wesley, all first year student classes were at our downtown campus, meaning we had to take the METRO and METRO would get crowded during ru...

Rev. Andrew's Annual Conference Recap

From June 20-23, over 1,000 United Methodists from our 370 congregations throughout the California-Nevada Conference were called to “Testify to Love: Do All the Good you Can,” as we gathered together at the Modesto Centre Plaza in Downtown Modesto for the 170 th Session of the California-Nevada Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, led by our resident bishop, Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño.   Our elected lay delegates, Elsie Wesley and Stephanie McMillan, along with Pastor Ray and myself represented Community UMC, Quincy.   Each congregation is represented by laity and clergy equally.   Speaking of clergy, I do bring us greetings from past Community UMC pastors, Rev. Pamela Abbey (1986-1989) who is retired and looks forward to coming up for another visit to Quincy, and from Rev. Cynthia Stateman (2000-2011), who is going to be serving Newcastle UMC near Auburn starting July 1 (where Pastor Ray also served before).   During our time in Modesto, we worshi...

May Adventures...

When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.  2  And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.  3  Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them.  4  All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. – Acts 2: 1-4, NRSV What an amazing journey we had together during the season of Lent and an amazing journey that we are currently on in Easter.   Easter did not disappoint as we had beautiful weather, a glorious morning or worship, saw the choir wear their new robes for the first time, and welcomed many people to worship from other churches, and some for the first time in addition to our church family.   And Spring is not disappointing us with the brilliant colors appearing as I write this month’s Adventures .   While t...

June Adventures...

As I sit down to write this month’s Adventures, I am not sure how it is already the middle of May.   As I write, we are in the midst of some passing thunderstorms reminding us that it’s not quite summer yet.   I also find myself reflecting at how fast time has gone by since graduating seminary then becoming your pastor two years ago.   And here we are, getting ready to see many of our children finish up another year of school and move onto the next grade and in some cases, a new school.   I tend to enjoy this time of year because the nights and mornings are still cool, while things around the church quiet down and the pace becomes a little bit more relaxed and slower.   Although just as quickly as summer is here, we know it also ends pretty quickly too, so be sure to enjoy every day of summer, whether it’s here in town, along one of our many trails, or at the creeks, rivers, or lakes.   The one highlight each June for me is Annual Conference, which is...

July Adventures...

Happy New Appointment Year!!   July 1 begins a new year in the life of clergy in The United Methodist Church, as our appointment year begins anew.   It gives me great joy that Bishop Minerva Carcaño has appointed me to serve another year in Quincy, as I begin my third year with you.   This is an amazing place to live and serve and I can’t be thankful enough to be here!!   As we begin our third year together, I always like to take some time to look at where we have been and where we hope to go this next appointment year.   I know this will be a longer article, but I hope you will have the chance to read and think about where we have been and where God calls us to go, and where we can engage in conversation in this next appointment year. Since I began serving here in 2016, we have welcomed new people into the life of our church, while saying see-ya-later to some who have moved away, and have commended some into God’s eternal care these last couple ye...

"Become Known" from the series "Healing Hands." Sermon, July 15, 2018

Community UMC, Quincy “Healing Hands: Become Known” Rev. Andrew Davis July 15, 2018 Mark 6: 13-16 This last month and a half, I have been attempting to not use a full manuscript, but an outline.  However, I have decided to return to manuscripts, as I do not presently have recording capability in worship yet.    What are we known for?   I think I may have teased it some last week when I talked about some of the ministries we have going on in our church or that are housed in our church.   Or, in the case of people seeking assistance, we are oftentimes the first church people will call because we are known for our willingness to help or at least try to help where we are equipped to do so.   And even though there are people out here without a church home, we have a relationship with many (which is important in its own right), even though we might not see them in worship on Sunday morning.   We are known for our music ministry ...