"All I Want for Christmas: The Gift of Good News" - Sermon, December 3, 2017
Community UMC,
“All I Want for
Christmas: The Gift of Good News”
December 3, 2017
Pastor Andrew
Isaiah 52: 1-12
Matthew 1: 18-25
What do You want for Christmas? Whenever I am asked, I admit that it’s a
tough question for me to answer, although ask any of the kids out here and we
could get quite a list going. As I get
older, I realize that my wants and desires for Christmas become simpler: peace
in our world; living in a world where truth and justice prevail; clean water,
food for the hungry, homes for the homeless, services for mental health. Okay, maybe not as simple as first thought,
then again we can always have a grown-up Christmas list. On the other hand, our wants can also be on
the silly side, such as “all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth,” or “I
want a hippopotamus for Christmas…”
It seems appropriate to ask what do you want for
Christmas, as we begin the season of Advent, the four weeks leading up to
Christmas. Advent is typically a time of
preparation, of longing, slowing down (yeah right), and centering our hearts as
we wait for Christmas to arrive. Except
in reality, the Christmas season is one of the busiest times of the year with
all the extra events around town (which are fun to be at, like Sparkle this
past Friday), winter concerts, the Courthouse Sing next Sunday afternoon that
our choir will be participating in, Christmas pageants, shopping, parties, lots
of eating, and more shopping. Before
seminary and entering pastoral ministry, when I used to work for Raley’s and
for many who work in retail or grocery, it often felt more like we were just
ready for Christmas to be over with. At
the same time, Advent can be a time to rethink why we are so busy and why
things are so hectic, as Advent can be
a good way to add spiritual practices, while also thinking about the gifts God
gives to us, not just at this time of year, but all year-round. As we embark on this Advent and Christmas
series, “All I Want for Christmas,” my hope is that we will think about how we
open the gifts of God’s grace while opening ourselves to those same gifts. In both our messages on Sundays and in the
small group study on Monday mornings or Wednesday afternoons, we’ll be thinking
about the gifts of good news, a new understanding, a strong foundation, a new
style of living, and Christmas gifts we can pass on to others.
Not to keep harping on it, but it feels like
lately we live in a world of constant bad news and darkness, especially now
since it starts getting dark around 3:30 when the sun goes behind Claremont
Ridge or when we turn the 4 or 5 pm news on.
We could certainly use some good news, and that’s one of the gifts we
can receive at Christmas, even if we may not readily see it in plain sight or
right away. In the book this series is
based on, All I Want for Christmas, James Moore explains that
Christmas gives us the gift of good news of Jesus’
birth, the good news that God is with us.
This gift of good news truly is a gift that keeps on giving, because it
inspires our faith, grounds our hope, and leads us to love. Through the good news of Jesus, Christmas
gives us the gifts of faith, hope, and love.”[i]
In Matthew’s Gospel that we just read, Joseph, who will be Jesus’s earthly father is having a crisis of faith
over some news. While Luke’s account of
the birth of Jesus is often recited on Christmas Eve or other television
specials and movies at this time of year, we get a little perspective of Joseph
in Matthew’s account. Following a thorough genealogy of the line from which Jesus came from, we encounter Joseph learning that his
fiancé, Mary is pregnant through the work of the Holy Spirit, considering they
quite aren’t married yet. He’s afraid
that if people around town see that she is pregnant, both of their lives would
be in danger. According to the law at
the time of Matthew’s account of the birth of Jesus, Ron Allen, Professor of
Preaching and New Testament at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis
explains that
neither party in a
coming marriage could have sexual relations with an outside person. Mary’s
pregnancy catches Joseph by surprise. According to Deuteronomy 22:23-27, Mary
could be tried publicly and then executed. By resolving to “dismiss her
quietly,” Joseph seeks to avoid public humiliation while also fulfilling the
It’s a tough situation that Joseph feels like he is in and he sure could
use some good news at the moment, as he wants to follow the law and do God’s
will. And, upon hearing this passage for
the first time, it could be somewhat discomforting in the same light for many
of us, especially in light of the sexual harassment claims we keep hearing
about in the news of late like a broken record. Or as I was reading on Twitter
from someone who was haunted from past events, this passage brought back a lot
of bad memories and am fully aware that this morning’s gospel can trigger some
bad memories among any of us too. In
Joseph’s case, the angel shows up and brings a small dose of good news to
Joseph in his moment of fear and questions about what is right, as his role as Jesus’ earthly father is all a part of the
prophecy. As we just read in verse 23, Emanuel, the same hymn which we will be singing at the
very end of worship this whole month, means that God is with us, giving us
hope, and being our power source, or as I like to say, our spiritual batteries.[iii]
There are times where our spiritual
and even our physical batteries feel like they’re running on low or empty, more so at this time of year with all the
extra stuff happening around us, along with all that tasty rich food. At the same time, when we see a lot of bad
news, or make our focus primarily on the bad news, that too can drain our
batteries a little bit. I know it drains
my batteries and saps my energy when it becomes my focus. Back in January when we were experiencing
some significant rain and wind storms, we lost power for a good portion of the
day and I found my LED flashlight to come in handy. Only thing is that I apparently used it a lot
more than I thought, as when I went to use it to look under the house I live in
to turn off the water that controls the hydrants in the backyard in October, I
found that the batteries had died. So,
time to get new batteries just in case we get any major storms that may knock
out power. The same thing can happen to
us when we are constantly go-go-go, or when we focus too much on the bad news
around, or if we aren’t practicing good self-care. Our bodies, minds, and souls can get a little
or a lot out of whack.
When we intentionally take the time to
quiet our hearts and prepare our minds during the season of Advent and Receive
the gift of good news,
Christmas reconnects us to our power source. As we look forward to the birth of Jesus, we
feel God come close and recognize that nothing else can fulfill our longing for
a better world. The reminder of God’s
presence ignites our faith and reinvigorates our life in Christ.[iv]
this is the very aspect about Christmas that reinvigorates my soul and helps
give me a significant recharge to my faith, as I try to quiet my heart, focus
my mind on good news, add some extra devotions and time with God, as well as
try not to over-indulge in all the tasty treats or eggnog. Try being the operative (although I do have a
couple people, or angels who remind me D-I-E-T). Even pastors can find our faith in a bit of a
rut at times, and I know that mine has been sure tested quite a bit these last
few months, with the Minerva fire, not always practicing very good self-care,
losing beloved members of our congregation, still growing into the role of
Pastor to this church and community, and just everyday events that can bring on
the stress. Even though I know I don’t
have all my stuff together all of the time, or when I find myself falling into
a rut, I get some kind of reminder of why I’m doing what I’m doing, just like
the angel showed up with Joseph to bring him good news and remind him that his
role as Jesus’s earthly father is just as important. Each of us has probably been in that
situation too, where a life event has happened that might just sap your energy
and drain your spiritual batteries. Then God shows up, reminding us that we are
God’s beloved. And, God is still with us, bringing us good news in a bad
news kinda world. As James Moore puts it,
“the Christmas gift of good news is the knowledge and assurance that God is
with us! Christ came to underscore this
good, joyful news that God is with us…and nothing can separate us from God.”[v] James further explains that “even during life’s
worst times, when we think we are alone, God is with us. And that gives us a powerful hope that
strengthens us no matter what happens.”[vi]
Even if we can’t necessarily see God right
before our eyes, yet we get signs and little reminders, like those amazing sunsets
this last week. Even if we can’t see
God, our faith in God can give us hope.
That is a gift of good news in itself, especially as we lit the candle
of hope earlier on in the service. Or as
our choir
sang, God leads us to the way, the
truth, and life when we are willing to say yes to God, willing to follow God,
and put our trust in God because “through the good news of Jesus, Christmas
gives us the gifts of faith, and hope, and love.”[vii] As we prepare to come to the table of Holy
Communion and take part in the sacrament, we have this sustaining presence of
God represented in the bread and grape juice that can reconnect us to God. We are invited to become one with God and
with Christ when we eat and drink at the table of grace, the table of abundant
As we move through this journey of the season of
Advent and think about God’s gift of good news and opening the gifts of God’s
grace, who do you know around you that needs a gift of good news, hope, or Love
right now? And how are you taking some
time to re-charge your spiritual batteries and give your faith a boost if it’s
been running on low or empty as of late?
Joseph received a serious dose of good news when the angel stepped in
during his dilemma, as Joseph received the good news that God is with him, that
this child he will become earthly father to will be called Emmanuel, God with
the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, let the Church Say, AMEN!!
W. Moore, All I Want for Christmas: Opening the Gifts of God’s Grace (Nashville:
Abingdon Press, 2017), 11.
[ii] "Commentary On
Matthew 1:18-25 By Ron Allen". 2017. Workingpreacher.Org.
Accessed November 30 2017. http://www.workingpreacher.org/preaching.aspx?commentary_id=3092.
Moore, 12.
Moore, 13.
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