
Showing posts from September, 2017

"Just Enough" - Sermon, September 24, 2017

Community UMC, Quincy “Just Enough” Pastor Andrew Davis September 24, 2017 Exodus 16: 2-23                         Last Sunday, one of my friends who pastors another church had a rather catchy title for his sermon on the sign of his church.  Since we were talking about forgiveness last Sunday, his sermon title on the sign was ‘The Joy of the F Word.’ Definitely grabs your attention, doesn’t it?  Or might make others, groan, wince, or facepalm.  I admit that I got a pretty good laugh out of it, though.  In some ways this morning, and in several of our texts this next month, we could easily create a miniseries called ‘The Joy of the S Word’…Stewardship, since our texts in the Fall tend to lean towards stewardship and being good stewards of what we have in our homes, our church, and here on Planet Earth.  Unlike forgiveness last week which wa...

"Forgiveness is a Necessity" - Sermon, September 17, 2017

Community UMC, Quincy “Forgiveness is a Necessity” Pastor Andrew Davis September 17, 2017 Genesis 50: 15-21 Matthew 18: 21-35 Forgiveness is such a challenging, sometimes heavy, yet always necessary word that we hear on a regular basis around the church.  Each week during the prayers of the people when we pray together “The Lord’ s Prayer ” that Jesus taught us, we say the line “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,” or when we prepare to take Holy Communion, we seek forgiveness from God for the ways we have fallen short.  Or when we say our individual prayers at whatever time of day we pray, whether it is morning or night, we ask God to forgive us for any shortcomings and any harm we have done to others.  Forgiveness is a necessity, whether we like it or not and no matter how easy or hard it is to forgive others, as God always offers us forgiveness.             Back ...

"Are You Listening?" - Sermon, September 10, 2017

Community UMC, Quincy “Are You Listening?” Pastor Andrew Davis September 10, 2017 Ezekiel 33: 7-11 Matthew 18: 15-20 A few weeks ago, after getting back from the East Coast and still being on vacation from my church activities, I was perusing DirecTV and all 200+ channels for something other than ESPN, Food Network, Travel Channel, or the news when I came across American Movie Classics (AMC).  I was kind of intrigued that the 1989 film, National Lampoon’ s Christmas Vacation was on AMC, so decided, what the heck, even though it’s August, I can use a little Christmas in August.  After all, some of the big box stores are getting ready to start putting their Christmas stuff out, so may as well get my heart ready for Christmas a few months early.  Then again, I always get a good laugh at any of the Vacation series starring Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo as Clark and Ellen Griswold, as I needed a good laugh after all the stress of trying to get to and from the...

Adventures from "The Quincy Quill" - September 2017

Where has this summer gone?  Even being still young-ish and now officially entering my late 30’s, I feel that time seems get faster and faster the older we get.  I remember back in my younger days how the last day of school would come around in June and looked forward to having the whole summer to relax, unwind from a busy school year, and play.  But as it always happened, the end of August came very quickly and before we knew it, another school year was once again upon us.  When this article is published, all of our schools here in Quincy and Plumas County will be back in session and we lift all of you who are back in school up in prayer, both students, teachers, and administrators.  I have to be honest that the Fall has actually caught me off guard, as time does march on very quickly.  It feels like we started our summer programming a little early in May and just when I thought summer would be slower, it wasn’t.  Yet amidst how busy this summer ...