Adventures...June 2017

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
And of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything that I have commanded you.  And remember,
I am with you always, to the end of the age – Matthew 28: 19-20

It feels like the month of June is the time to GO as we begin summer here in Quincy!  It’s a season of going on vacation, of going forth from one grade in school to another, from going from high school to college or the workforce, college graduates preparing for a new life, going to our Annual Conference Session, or for many of my colleagues, a time of going to another church and for many of my former classmates, going to their new churches for the first time as pastors.  But the main thing is that Jesus says to GO, to GO make disciples of ALL nations, but that no matter what, Jesus is with us wherever we may go and will always be with us until the end of the age.  It’s the Great Commission that Jesus gave the disciples, but also gives us who follow him today. 

I also love the month of June, as things slow down a little bit as many of the programs around the church take a little break during the summer and things are just a little more laid back.  It’s also a chance to go to our many lakes and streams, go and take advantage of the many outdoor opportunities from boating, swimming, fishing, or hiking the thousands of miles of trails our county has to offer (however, I haven’t tried walking on water at the lakes yet!).  While we may be out and about during the summer, it’s also a GREAT opportunity to engage with everyone we may meet along the way, as Jesus sends us out to share our faith, share the hope and new life of resurrection, and show others in the way of love.  It’s about meeting people where they are at, not necessarily expecting them to come to us.  I know I have had some wonderful conversations at one time or another when I’ve been at the lakes and encounter other people who are fishing or lounging out (although admit that I still get a little cranky when the fish bite someone else’s line besides mine).  Even on the trail, it’s amazing who you can meet as long as it’s not a bear, rattlesnake, or mountain lion!! 

So, whatever you are doing this summer, GO and be disciples and make disciples.  Go have fun, but also make sure you are taking time to renew your soul, rest, and play because we can’t be all work all the time.  Jesus is still with us all the time, whether we are in the community of each other, or out and about in the greater world.  As we go into this summer, I pray that your time is restful, relaxing, and renewing.  I look forward to seeing you in worship and throughout the week!!

Peace & Blessings,

Pastor Andrew


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