Adventures, November 2016

For the beauty of the Earth, for the glory of the skies,
For the love which from our birth, over and around us lies;
Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise (UMH, 92).

It feels like the weather has changed over very quickly this year, as Fall has arrived here in Quincy and the surrounding areas at the time of writing this month’s Adventures.  The first sign is that when I’ve taken my regular drive up to Bucks Lake, there is hardly anyone there.  It’s almost like I have the whole shoreline to myself at Sandy Point while walking the growing shoreline as the water level in the lake goes down.  Then there is the explosion of colors on the trees, the vibrant reds, oranges, and golds that are a feast for the eyes whenever we are outside or even when we are driving around.  Then we have the smell of fireplaces and burning leaf piles beginning to perfume the air, another sign that Fall has fully arrived. 

As we approach Thanksgiving, which is November 24, what are some of the things you are grateful for?  Recently on social media, there has been a movement to express our gratitude for seven days as a way of trying to lighten up the mood and get rid of some of the negativity that we have been seeing a lot more of on social media.  And perhaps, we can spread some of that gratitude and positivity into the rest of society and to our community.  However, outside of social media, I think it’s possible to see gratitude out here as well.  We are grateful to the leaders of our community, first responders, the business owners, the people who work in our restaurants and stores, the people who host the Community Supper and the core team, and for the great natural beauty we have in our own backyard.  We have so much to be grateful for.  And in turn, we should then make sure we too show our gratitude to each of the people who work around our community each time you see them.  And with Veteran’s Day on November 11, we also lift up gratitude to those who served in our military and fought for the many freedoms we have today. 

Even though we will be turning the clocks back an hour and losing and hour of daylight on the night of the 5th, we can still be the light of hope for our community whenever we show an attitude of gratitude and sing songs of grateful praise.  But as the hands and feet of Christ in our community and world, we can also be the light of hope for those who may not feel hope.  Keep on offering ways to help, keep on showing encouragement towards everyone, and keep on being a listening ear.  And before long, we will be heading towards the longest night of the year, as Fall gives way to winter and will begin our waiting and watching for the birth of our savior and the re-birth within our own lives of faith as we prepare for Advent, which begins on the 27th.  In the meantime, let’s keep on singing our grateful songs of praise and showing an attitude of gratitude and generosity in all that we do!! 

Peace & Blessings ~ Pastor Andrew 


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