Adventures with Pastor Andrew from "The Quincy Quill," August 2016

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8: 28).

What an AMAZING first few weeks this has been since arriving here in Quincy!!  I cannot thank God enough for having this opportunity to serve this beautiful, friendly community.  Thank you everyone for the different signs of welcome this past month, for the gifts of food, conversations, dropping by the office, and for welcoming me here with open arms.  Several of you have told me that you feel a new sense of energy here and I feel it too!!  I am constantly renewed each time I walk the neighborhoods, each time I see the mountains, streams, and trees, drive to the lakes, and each time I get to see you.  It has made this transition into pastoral ministry smooth as I continue feeling my way around. 

This past month, we have been talking about loving God and neighbor and one thing that struck me and was mentioned was how this community is respectful of one another and those who are here to lead and those who are here to protect.  As we have been seeing in the news WAY too often, there is a lot more violence that we see on TV and in the newspaper, as well as tension over differences, whether it is race, politics, religion, etc..  As I said in my sermon on July 10, “How to be a Neighbor,” we as the church can be the example for our community and greater world when we are able to find common ground and work together for the common good.  Or as Paul says in Romans 8: 28, “all things work together for good for those who love God,” and we need to continue sustaining our way of finding places we can work together for the good in making our community a safe and welcoming place for everyone who visits or lives here.  I am grateful that we are able to focus more on what we agree on and that we are able to work together for the common good. 

As we head into August, we will be exploring a new series, “What Faithful Living Looks Like” and will be working through the Book of Hebrews, chapters 11-14.  Even though we will be in those “dog days of summer,” we still have a lot to look forward to in worship and fellowship and I hope you will be able to make it to worship when in town.  As always, I welcome conversation at any time, so please feel free to come by the church house to say hi when I’m in the office Tuesday-Thursday, or join me in town wherever I may be.  To start our conversation, what does faithful living look like for you?  Also start thinking of hymns for Hymn Sing Service on Sept. 4. 

Finally, my office door is always open if I am in the office on Tuesday-Thursday, unless I am out in the town or in a meeting.  You are also welcome to join me for conversation at my “remote office” most Fridays between 10:30am-12:30pm, wherever that may be (likely Midtown Coffee).  If you would like me to come visit you in your home, please let me know too.  I look forward to getting to know you more along the way!!

Peace & Blessings, Andrew


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