
Showing posts from April, 2019

"Believe...And Be Amazed" - Easter Sermon, April 21, 2019

Community UMC, Quincy “Believe…And Be Amazed” Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019 Rev. Andrew Davis Luke 24: 1-12 A little over a week ago, I was driving through the Sierra Valley on the way to Reno for lunch with my clergy mentor and was amazed at what I saw (which doesn’t take much to amaze me)…as the valley spread out from the butte past Beckworth, there was a beautiful, green carpet beginning to grow after what has been a long winter, wildflowers, and quite a few calves out in the pastures of a couple ranches near Vinton, even while the mountains around the valley still had snow on top.  Closer to home, along my driveway at home, the daffodils are in full bloom, while the apple tree in my back yard is beginning to bud and will be blossoming before long, along with the yellow bushes behind Safeway and the little purple flowers and daffodils in ‘Shirley’s Garden’ by the High Street entrance of our church, and trees, flowers, and bushes are in full bloom around the nei...