
Showing posts from October, 2018

October "Adventures"

Since moving here to Quincy in 2016, October is a month I look forward to.   Besides the beautiful colors in the changing trees, the cool nights, the fantastic fishing in our lakes and streams as the trout get fat for winter, and the smell of fireplaces in the air, it’s also when things feel like they are back in rhythm.   I’ll admit that in September after not having my regular routine during the summer, things can be a little rough.   But when October comes around, I’m back in gear.   The period from October until January is one of the busiest times of year, as our lay leadership development team works on the leadership needs for the next year, planning for the season of Advent and Christmas is well underway, and several of us are working on reports for our annual church conference (aka Charge Conference) that will be happening sometime in November.   Even amidst the busy nature of Fall, it is always a source of joy to step outside and see God’s handiwor...

"Mystery: Restored" - Sermon, October 28, 2018

Community UMC, Quincy “Mystery: Restored” Rev. Andrew Davis October 28, 2018 Job 42: 1-6, 10-17             On the last Sunday of every month, I often find myself wondering where the heck the month has gone, as this month has flown by like all the others have this year.   Lately, I’ve been feeling the crunch of not enough time in the day or enough days in the week.   It always seems to happen at this time of year too with preparation and putting together charge conference reports, along with the first of the big holidays on Wednesday with Halloween, Thanksgiving a few weeks away, then Christmas in less than two months.   Thankfully, the choir will be ready for Christmas, although not so sure this pastor will be.   A week ago, I was starting to wonder if donations would come in for our participation in Quincy Chamber’s Safe Trick-or-Treat along Main Street on Wednesday, but thanks to the generous don...

"Mystery: Silenced" - Sermon, 10/21/2018

Have you ever been in a time or place when you have been left totally speechless?   Perhaps you saw something in nature, something on the news, something happen in front of you in which you just don’t know what to say?   Being someone who loves to talk for the most part, it takes a lot to render me speechless (much to a few folks’ relief when I am), although if you get me out in nature, I’ll often see something in which I am overcome and don’t know what to say, except maybe ‘thank you, God’ or the words of Chris Rice’s song, “Hallelujahs” come to mind, especially the refrain that goes                O praise Him all His mighty works There is no language where you can't be heard Your song goes out to all the Earth Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! [i]             I reflect back to last month’s series, “A Season of Creation” in which I find somethi...

"Mystery: Deserted" - Sermon, October 14, 2018

Community UMC, Quincy “Mystery: Deserted” Rev. Andrew Davis October 14, 2018 Psalm 22 Job 23: 1-7, 16-17         As we continue our series on the mystery of God and working through sections of the book of Job, I came across this reflection by Rev. Steve Garnaas-Holmes from Unfolding Light called “Angry at God” during one of my morning devotions that I would like to share with you this morning : How could God let terrible things happen? OK, get it out. Say it. God, you're a failure. God can take it. They've heard worse. Now, what do you mean “let things happen?” Should there be no suffering? No mistakes? No freedom? Should God control every little thing? No? Only the ones you choose? Or by some obscure formula? Only if you're good enough, or pray right? Please, don't go there. Stuff happens. Germs happen. Earthquakes happen. Evil happens. People who hurt do awful things. You know, don't you, God does do something ab...