"Rise Up! Focus" - Sermon, February 4, 2018
Community UMC, Quincy “Rise Up! Focus” Pastor Andrew Davis February 4, 2018 Isaiah 40: 21-31 A few days ago, my dad shared a photo on my Facebook wall of a church sign that asked “how many verses in the Bible are about ‘Eagles’ and ‘Patriots?’ The answer was Eagles, 33, Patriots, 0. Over the last couple weeks, the running commentary among many of us has been that God seems to have a sense of humor about the Super Bowl this year, given that our scripture reading from Isaiah is one of the passages that has eagles in it and the fact that the Philadelphia Eagles will be playing the New England Patriots around 3:00 this afternoon. It’s a strange coincidence that this particular reading would fall on Super Bowl Sunday, as it had been selected quite a few years back when the Lectionary readings for 2018 were assigned, even though we never know who is going to play who year from year. Since I gener...