An Explanation about this year's Lenten Series
During the season of Lent, the 40 Days leading up to Easter (not counting Sundays), we will be starting a new series, beginning on Ash Wednesday at 5:00pm, February 14 through Palm/Passion Sunday, which will be March 25. Starting on Monday, February 19 at 10am and Wednesday, February 21 at 4:30pm, we will be offering a Lenten study around Rev. Dr. Eric Elnes’ book, Gifts of the Dark Wood, which offers some different insights around the sometimes dark places in our lives and how they can end up being a blessing in disguise. To reserve a copy of the book, please contact the church office. You are welcome to donate $10 to the book fund when you pick your book up. Our worship services, starting with Ash Wednesday on February 14 will touch on the theme of rehabilitation. According to the team at Discipleship Ministries in Nashville (Dawn Chesser, Taylor Burton-Edwards, & Jackson Henry), There is much to mine from considering our Lenten journey ...