"And Now for Your Reward" - Sermon, February 19, 2017
Community UMC, Quincy “The Great Invitation: And Now for Your Reward” Pastor Andrew Davis February 19, 2017 Matthew 5: 38-48 What happens when someone hits you, says something that hurts your feelings, or does something to hurt you? Do you hit that person back, yell at that person, or do you resist, or turn away? I admit that my years in elementary and middle school were not the happiest years of my life, but taught me a lot about turning the other cheek and not getting even. I was often picked on, bullied, or harassed on nearly a daily basis, sometimes making it unbearable to get up and even go to school. Yet in some ways, I was a socially awkward kid, which made me an easy target for those who decided they liked making people’s lives miserable. But I also didn’t hit back either, partially because I didn’t believe in fighting back, but was more afraid of being suspended even if I was acting in ...