Adventures with Pastor Andrew from "The Quincy Quill," July 2016
I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. – Isaiah 43: 19 (NRSV) It is a great joy to be writing to you and serving as your newly appointed pastor!! I definitely feel God doing a new thing as I continue transitioning from four years of living in Washington, DC back to California. It’s also a new thing going from being a seminary student to pastor. But, here we are, beginning something new and embarking a new adventure together. Being a pastor is something I thought about here and there early on in life, but always managed to keep putting it off each time. Nevertheless, God catches up and so after many years of avoiding God’s call, broke down and went to seminary and long story short, here I am and ready to serve. One of the ways that I see life and faith is seeing it as an adventure. And I ...