Leaving the Wilderness
We have made it!! We have finally reached the end of the wilderness and are now ready to return to life again after forty-plus long days and nights. I hope that this Lenten journey has been fulfilling, challenging, and inspiring all in the same breath. I know I can say that it has been one of the most fulfilling journeys I have taken, adding spiritual practices, fasting/modified Daniel Fast (was not perfect, but experienced God's grace), and adding inspirational readings. But even outside, the starkness of the wilderness and gloom of winter is now giving way to the warmth and bright colors of Spring. Resurrection is happening all around us. And tomorrow, we will celebrate our risen Lord, as Jesus conquered death and conquered the grave. It is a new day for each of us, as by taking the wilderness road to the cross and grave, we too have died to our old ways and are basking in the glow of the resurrection, as we arise to new life in Jesus Christ. ...