Deeper Into the Wilderness we Go
This Lent has been a wondrous time of slowing down, reflecting, fasting, and praying, a new adventure in going deeper spiritually and mentally. The Daniel Fast has been a mental test considering I love food, but am finding meaning in it in focusing my mind towards God and imagining the Hebrew people in the desert in the exodus from Egypt while being provided with just enough. I think of those who don't have enough to eat, knowing that many would love to have just the basics of fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts. And while giving up coffee and any other drink than just water, I think of those who may not have clean water to drink. It really gets me thinking more about what I have as opposed to what I don't have, given how easy it is to take things for granted. Although it's also easy to get caught up in what you do have as well. Even some conversations I've had this week have been humbling too. While doing something renewing in visiting a couple...